Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Art.
13 EU Regulation no.
2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), we inform you that the processing of Your data will be carried out using methods and procedures aimed at ensuring that the processing of personal data is carried out with respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the data subject, with particular reference to confidentiality and security, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

Please note that processing means any operation or set of operations, whether or not by automated means, applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, comparison or interconnection, restriction, erasure or destruction (Art. 4 GDPR).

Data controller

The data controller is Navoo srl in the person of the legal representative pro tempore,
with registered office in via Immacolata 1/5, 35013 – Cittadella (PD),
and operational headquarters in via Immacolata 1/5, 35013 – Cittadella (PD), telephone: +39 0492326164, e-mail:
C.F. and P.IVA 04710960289.
The list of data processors and data processors can be consulted at the headquarters of the data controller.

Subject of processing, purpose, need for consent and nature of data provision

Users may send Navoo srl, through the various websites or even by e-mail, requests or other communications that may contain personal data of various kinds.

Such data will necessarily be stored by Navoo srl in order to handle user requests.
However, the sending of such data is strictly related to thewill of the user who sends them directly, or using special forms in complete autonomy.

Examples might include such data as:

  • Personal and identifying data (such as first name, last name, VAT number, addresses, contacts).
  • Connection and browsing data
  • Contact information (phone number, e-mail, etc.).
  • Data necessary for the purpose of providing the service you requested (e.g. to access, purchase and use our products and services).

Your personal information is processed by Navoo Ltd. solelyso that you can:

  • sign up for the restricted area of the website
  • contact us for information and assistance
  • subscribe to our newsletter service
  • receive informative and promotional newsletters
  • subscribe to the control panel
  • Make payments handled by
  • Receive invoices as a result of payments made on
  • Use the services and products provided through

In order to be able to carry out the above listed, it is necessary for some data to be handled by Navoo.
In all cases, your express and free will to send it to us is required.

For the purposes listed above, it is necessary for you to provide us with your consent to manage your data.
In the absence of validly given consent under the GDPR, we will not be able to proceed with the provision of the relevant service.

Navoo may also use your information to send you commercial communications, by e-mail or other channels (regular mail, telephone or other), regarding services and products similar to those you have already used.
In any case, you have the right to object at any time to the sending of such communications by notifying

Legal Basis

Purposes: Management of functionalities
The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the same (e.g. re-contacting the User, to process any requests made within the data collection forms available on the website – art. 6 lett.b GDPR).

Purposes: Fulfillment of legal obligations
Data processing is necessary to fulfill legal and/or tax obligations to which the Data Controller is subject (Art. 6 lett.c) GDPR.

Purpose: Legitimate interest of theData Controller
data processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest that the Data Controller has found to exist, provided that the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not prevail.
(Art. 6 lett.c)

Purposes: Marketing and advertising of products and services including by sending newsletters
The processing of data for marketing purposes derives from the explicit consent of the data subject pursuant to Art.
6 letter a) and 7 GDPR.
You will be able to revoke your consent according to the modalities in the section “How to exercise your rights”.
You can unsubscribe from the newsletter service through the appropriate link found in all newsletters sent by Navoo.

Method of treatment

Data will be processed by means of instruments suitable for guaranteeing their confidentiality, integrity and availability.
The processing is carried out on paper and by means of information and automated systems and will include all the operations or set of operations provided for in Art.
4 of the GDPR and necessary for the processing in question.
Your data is stored in our systems, which are protected by security measures, both hardware and software,so as to prevent accessibility to unauthorized persons.
Your data will be processed only by employees of Navoo, adequately trained onhow to handle personal data.

Duration of treatment

With regard to data retention times (data retention), your personal data will be processed for the entire duration of your subscription to our website, newsletter service, our services provided both physically and through online and digital channels, for the congruous time necessary to respond to yourneeds for which you have contacted us, and in any case within the limits provided for by the relevant regulations.

Who can access your data

Your data will be accessible, for the purposes stated on this page only to:

  • Employees and associates of Navoo, authorized to process and only upon appropriate appointment
  • Third parties carrying out activities, also in outsourcing, on behalf of Navoo, only following appropriate appointment as External Data Processors, pursuant to Art.
    28 of the GDPR, carrying out activities related, instrumental or supporting those of the data controller.
    By way of example only: customer support, administration activities, supporting the data controller in product development or problem solving, and others.

To whom your data may be disclosed

Without the need for your express consent, the Controller may communicate your data to:

  • Supervisory bodies, judicial authorities, control bodies
  • other parties for whom the possibility of access to your personal data is recognized by provisions of the law or secondary or EU regulations.

Said subjects will process the data in their capacity as autonomous data controllers.
In any case, the data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties or disseminated in any way.

In any case, your data, collected through the website and other related systems, will never be given to third parties.

Data Transfer

No data transfers will be made to countries outside the EU or to international organizations.
If such transfers become necessary, to protect your data the Data Controller will adopt appropriate safeguards enshrined in the GDPR, including adequacy decisions and standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.


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Your rights over your data (Rights of the data subject)

You may exercise your rights under Articles 15 to 21 of the GDPR against the Data Controller.
In particular:

  • To obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and if so, to obtain access to the personal data (Right of Access Art. 15);
  • Obtain rectification of inaccurate personal data about you without undue delay (Right to Rectification Art. 16);
  • Obtain the deletion of personal data about you without undue delay
  • the Data Controller has an obligation to delete your personal data without undue delay if certain conditions are met (Right to be forgotten Art. 17)
  • Obtain limitation of processing in certain cases (Right to limitation of processing Art. 18);
  • receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format personal data concerning you and you have the right to transmit your data to another Data Controller, without hindrance from the Data Controller to whom it was provided, in certain cases (Right to Data Portability Art. 20);
  • object at any time, to the processing of personal data concerning you (Right to object art 21).

How you can exercise your rights (How to exercise your rights)

You may at any time change and revoke the consents given and exercise your rights by sending an appropriate request to the Data Controller at the following contacts:

  • registered mail with return receipt: Navoo Srl, via Immacolata 1/5, 35013, Cittadella (Padua), Italy
  • PEC:
  • e-mail:
  • phone: +39 0492326164

For the processing referred to in this policy, you may at any time bring a complaint to the Data Protection Authority (

Date this page was last updated: 02/01/2024

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