Senior Living feature:

a valuable support

in daily management

Senior Living

The Alexa Smart Properties for Senior Living system is a valuable ally in the management of rest homes, nursing homes, and facilities dedicated to the care and long-term care of the elderly or people with disabilities. The technology developed by NAVOO, in fact, makes it possible to use various features that help guests in their daily lives, making them, in some cases, more independent, and that support staff in many aspects of their work.

What can Alexa Smart Properties do in your facility?

What Alexa can do for guests

What Alexa can do for staff

Alexa Smart Properties for Senior Living

Explore the map to see all the accommodations in Italy that have decided to offer their guests a unique experience through the use of NAVOO technology integrated with Alexa Smart Properties.

Alexa Smart Properties for Senior Living

Explore the map to see all the accommodations in Italy that have decided to offer their guests a unique experience through the use of NAVOO technology integrated with Alexa Smart Properties.