How to activate
the system

To activate the Alexa Smart Properties for Hospitality service in your hospitality facility, you have two options available to you:


Comprehensive support from NAVOO

This service will provide you with a professional and customized installation, ensuring that all technical and functional aspects are taken care of down to the last detail. Our staff will be available to answer any questions you may have and offer ongoing support, facilitating the integration of Alexa into your facility.


Stand-alone installation

If you prefer to handle the installation yourself, we can provide you with detailed guidance and all the resources you need to complete the process easily and effectively. This option is ideal for those running a small hotel, B&B, or vacation home.

We will still be ready to support you as needed for Alexa to become an added value to your facility, enhancing the experience of your guests and streamlining the daily operations of your staff.

Which type of installation do you prefer?

Choose the option that best suits the needs of your facility, your staff, your company and the time you can personally dedicate to implementing Alexa.


Get all the assistance from NAVOO


Install everything on your own

In order to activate Alexa Smart Properties for Senior Living (in nursing homes, or widespread home care), only the option with full Navoo support is currently available. We will assist you every step of the way, from configuration to installation, ensuring that the system is fully functional and integrated with the services offered.

Are you in doubt about the best service for you?

Contact us and we will help you choose!