Hotel Loggiato
dei Serviti

Desìo Charming Hotels


Positioned in the authentic and ancient heart of Florence, Hotel Loggiato dei Serviti stands as a refined period residence located in Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, a Renaissance masterpiece designed by Brunelleschi. Relaxing atmosphere, charm and comfort characterize this 16th-century jewel of Italian hospitality.

To further elevate the stay experience, Hotel Loggiato dei Serviti has adopted the Alexa Smart Properties system based on NAVOO technology. This innovation offers guests a unique and technological experience, enriching the hotel’s service with a clever fusion of technological modernities and the timeless elegance of Florentine history and charm.

The structure

  • 37 rooms

Customized features

Provide useful information about the area and give directions to various destinations

Sending notifications to the housekeeper’s smartphone for object requests made by guests

Sending notifications to the maintainer’s smartphone for reports made by guests

Provide helpful hints and local tips to help the guest discover all the hidden gems in the area

Carousel of screens promoting hotel services to entice the guest to ask for more info

Marketing Screenshots

Rolling screens on Echo Shows can become a valuable marketing tool. Images and text tell the story of the hotel’s services and products, and can be set or changed completely independently from the Control Panel. A virtual showcase, always up-to-date and available to the guest, who can also ask Alexa for insights into services of interest to them.

Other projects

From resorts to B&Bs to business and boutique hotels, NAVOO technology is adaptable to the needs of each individual facility to provide dedicated services for guests and staff.

Palazzo Cornalia

Palazzo Navona

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Alexa Smart Properties for Hospitality

Explore the map to see all the accommodations in Italy that have decided to offer their guests a unique experience through the use of NAVOO technology integrated with Alexa Smart Properties.

Alexa Smart Properties for Hospitality

Explore the map to see all the accommodations in Italy that have decided to offer their guests a unique experience through the use of NAVOO technology integrated with Alexa Smart Properties.