Features for the staff:

many opportunities
to work at your best


Alexa Smart Properties, thanks to NAVOO technology, is a valuable support for all tourism facility staff and can be used to simplify work, track and record activities with immediacy, and increase the possibility of selling services and products.

How is Alexa used in hotels?

Staff have several ways to interact with the Alexa Smart Properties system and to communicate with guests:
announcements, notifications, and screens (in devices with video).
All features can be used easily and immediately, preparing messages to be shared in different rooms even in advance, uploading images and texts to the Control Panel. For example, at the front desk during the night shift, one can prepare all messages for the next day and have them appear on the Echo devices after check-in time.


The announcements are alerts that, when they reach the Echo device, are read by Alexa and cannot be played back later. The text of the message will also appear in the screen (in the case of Echo Shows).


Notifications are delivered to the Echo, which plays a sound as it receives them. In the case of an Echo Show, a bell icon will be visible with the number of pending notifications. Echo and Echo Dot devices, on the other hand, having no screen, make the glowing ring at their base pulsate yellow to attract the guest’s attention. The guest will have to ask “Alexa, what are my notifications?” in order to hear them.


The fixed screens, that work only on the Echo Show device, are images and text that can communicate a specific message to the guest, such as “The boat trip is about to start, remember to be in the lobby at 3:30 p.m.,” or more generic, for example, posting an invitation to try “breakfast in the room” service. In any case, the message will remain visible until the guest touches the screen.


The rotating screens on Echo Shows can be a valuable marketing tool. Images and text tell the story of the hotel’s services and products (with up to 20 active screens), and can be set or edited completely independently from the Control Panel. A virtual showcase, always up-to-date and available to the guest, who can also ask Alexa for insights into services of interest to them.


Using only their voice  staff members can send messages to the central system, such as:

“Alexa, the TV has been repaired.”
“Alexa, the room is clean.”

“Alexa, the room is ready.”

For the Management

Analyzing system utilization data and requests coming in from individual rooms will allow management to verify the operation of the facility and assess the level perceived by guests and make choices to improve. If, for example, slippers are often requested from rooms to access the SPA, perhaps it is a service that guests expect and would appreciate, and therefore it is worth considering making it a standard service. The room-cleaning activity log, with a notice from the operator of the start and end of room restoration, allows a concrete analysis of the time needed for accommodation and objective evaluations to optimize the various interventions.

Alexa Smart Properties is also a sales tool because it allows you to advertise in a very direct and personal way (with rotating screens in the Echo Show devices) services, activities, and products of which the guest is unaware. Cyclically analyzing the sales statistics made through Alexa will provide an accurate picture of which services or products have sold the most and which may be the most attractive.

For the Front Desk

Front desk staff will be able to use the Alexa Smart Properties system to communicate more directly with the rooms, engage the guest more with personalized announcements and notifications, and offer additional services through rotating screens.

In addition, the front desk will have the great advantage of no longer have to answer repetitive questions (such as breakfast or pool time), devoting itself to more valuable activities

From the Control Panel it will be able to manage all rooms, recording guest requests (if not integrated with management tools), passing the information to the relevant hotel departments, communicating via Alexa as well:

“Alexa, call room 202.”

“Alexa, call the kitchen.”

“Alexa, call Meeting Room 3.”

For the Housekeeping staff.

Staff who are dedicated to tidying up and cleaning rooms can use the Alexa Smart Properties system with various features.

For example, staff can tell Alexa, simply by voice, that work has begun on resetting the room and when the room is ready for a new check-in.

“Alexa, I’ll start cleaning the room.”
“Alexa, the room is ready.

Automatically the Control Panel tells the PMS that the room is ready, so at the front desk they will have live updated information.

Those in charge of tidying up and cleaning can communicate specific needs to the rest of the staff or to the front desk, for example:

“Alexa, alert maintenance that the faucet is leaking.”
“Alexa alerts front desk that room is missing remote control.”

In this way, all departments are involved as quickly and efficiently as possible.

For the Maintenance staff.

Receiving timely messages about any problems in rooms and common areas, transmitted via Alexa by the guest, or by the rest of the staff, means for maintainers to be ready to intervene quickly, perhaps by already selecting the correct tools, and without risking the information being “lost” in a traditional transmission.


Dedicated maintenance staff will be able to use Alexa in turn to alert the front desk that the problem has been addressed and resolved, or make additional requests, even while they are working:

“Alexa, I fixed the TV.”

“Alexa, call the front desk.”


Those involved in MICE (meetings, incentives, congresses, events) tourism will also enjoy several advantages in using the Alexa Smart Properties for Hospitality system.

Through announcements, notifications, and messages disseminated to the rooms of event or conference attendees, it may communicate the start times of a conference or meeting, or the possibility of access to collateral initiatives and activities.

Guest: “Alexa, tell me my notifications.”
Alexa: “I remind you that the business meeting will begin in the Gold Room in 15 minutes, while the plenary meeting will take place in the Platinum Room from 6 p.m.”


You can also personalize the experience by devising marketing and image actions related to the theme of the event you are organizing. For example, the guest, upon arrival in the room might listen:

“I welcome you to this hotel! Two days of meetings and gatherings have been organized to make you participate and gather your opinion on all the proposals introduced by your company. Ask me for all the dates of your days!”

Want to help your staff work efficiently with Alexa Smart Properties?

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