Hotel President

Hotel in Prato


The Hotel President Prato, featuring a modern fusion of glass and iron, offers a refined interpretation of urban space. Cozy, newly renovated rooms, a high-quality Tuscan restaurant and meeting rooms confirm the attention to detail.

With the introduction of the Alexa Smart Properties system using NAVOO technology, the hotel is committed to providing a modern and technologically advanced experience, further elevating the level of service for its guests. This innovation allows guests to enjoy a more comfortable and personalized stay, highlighting Hotel President Prato’s commitment to providing state-of-the-art hospitality.

The structure

  • 78 rooms
  • lounge bar
  • restaurant
  • meeting rooms and exhibition areas
  • parking and garage
  • electric car charging

Customized features

Provide comprehensive details about the facility and fully present all services available to guests

Sending notifications to the housekeeper’s smartphone for object requests made by guests

Sending notifications to the maintainer’s smartphone for reports made by guests

Provide helpful hints and local tips to help the guest discover all the hidden gems in the area

Carousel of screens promoting hotel services to entice the guest to ask for more info

Other projects

From resorts to B&Bs to business and boutique hotels, NAVOO technology is adaptable to the needs of each individual facility to provide dedicated services for guests and staff.

TH Roma

Carpegna Palace Hotel

Palazzo Cornalia

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Alexa Smart Properties for Hospitality

Explore the map to see all the accommodations in Italy that have decided to offer their guests a unique experience through the use of NAVOO technology integrated with Alexa Smart Properties.

Alexa Smart Properties for Hospitality

Explore the map to see all the accommodations in Italy that have decided to offer their guests a unique experience through the use of NAVOO technology integrated with Alexa Smart Properties.